Make your walls shine.
Design: Lorenzo Truant

This new version of Futon is an eye-catching ambient luminaire for any kind of wall or ceiling. It's thin and minimalistic, with gentle illumination inside the profile creating a mesmerising ring of light. Make your walls shine in a different light. Futon O creates an entirely new atmosphere with different kinds of backgrounds.







3 sizes available
Futon O comes in 3 different sizes. Use it as a single product or combine different sizes.
Futon O
Futon O creates an entirely new atmosphere
with different kinds of backgrounds. It emphasizes
the structure of the wall.
24°, 28°, 36°, 38°, 40°, 60°, 62°







PRO Optics
Brings out colour and creates
contrast in the ambient.
Learn more about active cooling
24°, 28°, 36°, 38°, 40°, 60°, 62°
Creative compositions
Futon O comes in 3 different sizes. Combine them and make creative compositions.
Combine it with Futon Acoustic
A combination of full and empty circles
can also be an interesting solution.
24°, 28°, 36°, 38°, 40°, 60°, 62°
PRO Optics
Brings out colour and creates
contrast in the ambient.
Learn more about active cooling
24°, 28°, 36°, 38°, 40°, 60°, 62°
Creating an ambience
One of the most important roles of light is to create ambience. Futon O is the right choice.
The frame is thin
No matter the size, from the smaller
to the largest diameter the frame's
height remains the same and gives
the right quantity of light.
24°, 28°, 36°, 38°, 40°, 60°, 62°
Your Own Light